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Canada CMHC Mortgage Loan Insurance

       如果你的购房首付少于20%,贷款高于80%时,贷款公司一般会要求你向Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC,加拿大按揭与房屋公司)购买房屋贷款保险。在万一你付不起房屋贷款,贷款公司收回并出售你的房屋仍不能得到全部贷款额补偿时,CMHC将支付贷款公司的损失。通过这种方式,只要你的收入符合要求,贷款公司有可能同意最高贷款95%给你。CMHC是一个政府拥有的公司,成立于1946年。

       在财务规划中,我们建议客户尽可能避免发生要向CMHC购买房屋贷款保险的情况,因为这个保险费用相对于贷款额而言并不便宜。即使是将其放到贷款中慢慢归还,而不需要立即筹集这笔资金,但仍会增加你以后供款的负担。以下是CMHC房屋贷款保险的费率。进一步详细资讯可参考CMHC的网站:CMHC Mortgage Loan Insurance,也可向我们询问。

Premium on Total Loan
Premium on Increase to Loan Amount for Portability and Refinance
Standard Premium
Self-Employed without 3rdParty Income Validation Standard Premium
Self-Employed without 3rdParty Income Validation**
Up to and including 65% 0.50% 0.80% 0.50% 1.50%
Up to and including 75% 0.65% 1.00% 2.25% 2.60%
Up to and including 80% 1.00% 1.64% 2.75% 3.85%
Up to and including 85% 1.75% 2.90% 3.50% 5.50%
Up to and including 90% 2.00% 4.75% 4.25% 7.00%*
Up to and including 95% 2.75% N/A 4.25%* *
90.01% to 95% —
Non-Traditional Down Payment***
2.90% N/A * N/A
Extended Amortization Surcharges
Greater than 25 years, up to and including 30 years: 0.20%
Greater than 30 years, up to and including 35 years: 0.40%